Reasons for grease loss in use

Lubricating oil = base oil + thickener + additive, in which base oil is the main component of grease. The role of thickener is like sponge, and lubrication is based on base oil. In the process of use, we should pay attention to the condition of grease. If there is oil leakage, we should deal with it in time. The loss of base oil causes the grease to fail to provide sufficient lubrication protection, and the equipment is prone to wear. The main reasons for the loss of grease in use are chemical reasons, physical factors and impurities.

Chemical reasons :

Due to the influence of heat and surrounding gas in the friction and lubrication area, the base oil and thickener are oxidized resulting in the destruction of the soap structure of the grease and the loss of softening in use. Therefore, we should check the surrounding environment of the grease. whether it is close to the heat source, and whether the presence of special chemicals causes the grease to be affected.

Physical reasons :

  1. Under shear : due to the operation of the friction part, the grease is continuously affected by the shear stress, so that the soap structure is destroyed and softened.
  2. Reasons for impurities : wear debris produced during the wear of parts. These metal powders can accelerate the oxidation of grease to produce organic acids, thus destroying the structure of grease and causing grease failure.
  3. Improper selection of grease : grease can not meet the current operating conditions, in the choice of grease, not only to consider the requirements of the equipment manual, but also consider the actual conditions, such as the local minimum temperature, maximum temperature, equipment operation temperature, load, speed, size, whether there is water, whether the environment is dirty, etc., the correct choice of grease.
  4. Grease contamination : Greases are contaminated by water or other impurities, especially when greases are mixed. Avoid mixing grease in use, pay attention to clean the old oil when changing oil.

Environmental factors :

The environment of the lubricating part and the medium it contacts have a great influence on the performance of the grease. So we should carefully consider when selecting the grease.

  1. It is not suitable to choose sodium-based grease or even lithium-based grease for wet or easy contact with water. Because the sodium-based grease has poor water resistance, it is easy to dilute loss and emulsification in water.
  2. Automobiles, tractors and tank chassis often work in wet and easy to contact with water. At present, people often use lithium-calcium-based composite grease or urea-based grease with better water resistance.
  3. Lithium grease, composite calcium and composite aluminum grease are not suitable for the contact parts with acid or acid gas. When these greases encounter acid ( weak acid ) or acidic gase, the grease will become thinner and loss.andin poor bearing protection, easy corrosion and poor lubrication.These parts should use composite barium-based grease or urea-based grease with good acid resistance. If it is in contact with strong acid or strong oxidizing medium, should use the perfluorinated grease.
  4. When contacting with seawater or salt water, we should select composite aluminum grease.
  5. When contacting with natural rubber or paint, we should avoid grease with ester oil, especially diester oil, as base oil.
  6. We should select special oil-resistant grease for the part contacting with fuel oil or petroleum-based lubricating oil.
  7. We should use special greases such as methanol-resistant greases in contact with methanol.

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